Treasure Coast Periodontics

Dental Implant and
Specialized Dentistry

Types of Dental Implants

Single Dental Implants

If you have lost a single tooth due to an accident or from periodontal diseases, that one tooth can be easily replaced using a dental implant. Your new tooth will look and function just like your other natural teeth.

Multiple Dental Implants

Replacing multiple teeth using dental implants with individual crowns or with an implant supported fixed bridge gives your teeth a level of fit, feel and functionality that is not possible with other treatment options.

All Teeth (Full Arch) Implants

Traditional replacement of a complete set of upper or lower teeth (arch) using as few as two or perhaps six dental implants. The final prosthesis can be removable (overdenture) or permanently fixed (hybrid denture).

Mini-Implants (Smaller diameter implants when compared to “Conventional Implant” diameters).

Mini dental implants, sometimes referred to as small diameter or narrow diameter implants, are dental implants that are smaller than the most commonly used dental implant sizes. Mini implants are placed through less invasive techniques and measure less than 3 millimeters in diameter. Standard implants are slightly larger, usually 3.23-5 millimeters in diameter. Mini implants are often used to secure a complete lower or loose denture and in patients who are not candidates for traditional dental implant surgery.

Hybrid Dentures

A hybrid denture is an innovative way to replace teeth if all of your top or bottom teeth are missing. It consists of placing dental implants in any available bone, thereby avoiding the need for bone grafting. Special abutments are then attached to the implants to enable temporary replacement teeth to be placed as your gum tissues heal and implants integrate with your bone. After about six months, your final teeth are placed and your smile is officially restored.

Get Quality Dental Implants at

No matter if you are missing one of your teeth or all of your teeth, you can effectively restore your smile with quality dental implants at 772 Implant. Contact our experienced and caring team for more information or to request a complimentary dental implant consultation today. We can’t wait to get you smiling again!


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